Small Business Owners – Never make this common mistake. .
By Avie Uniglicht
You’re a daily producer in your digital world. You use your computer, your smartphone, your Tablet to connect with the Universe and to create and store your personal information. Some, if not all of your “stuff,” is very important to you, even irreplaceable. So, are you caring for it in such a way that you’ll never be disappointed?
You see, the most important key ingredient to your tech arsenal – the first thing we MUST address is protecting your data from disasters – yes, that means BACKING IT UP. See, you can always replace a broken device or even repair it if it’s reasonable to do so. However, the personal creations that YOU have made or accumulated AND the financial and business records that you keep can’t be bought and are often priceless in terms of business continuity, time investment and even sentimental value.
Unlike other “gadgets” in our lives that we have become familiar- computers store our “treasures” on mechanical and magnetic mediums that are vulnerable to failure, corruption, erasure, human error, theft, malicious software, disasters of all sorts. I can’t over emphasize the importance of multiple duplication of your important information. Backing-Up means storing copies of your data in such a way that no matter what, you won’t be left thinking – why didn’t I protect this stuff sooner?
“Many horror stories could have been prevented if only a simple, easy to implement backup strategy had been in place.”
There are many ways to store copies of your data files and no one way is best. Your Tech Concierge™ recommends MULTIPLE methods of backup, and certain methods should be considered depending upon the frequency of change in your data. Pictures, music and documents that are not modified on a regular basis can be stored on secure Cloud backup where the information is encrypted to prevent unauthorized access. There, it is professionally managed on redundant servers where if one system fails, others are there to take over the duties – all without your worry or concern.
What is the Cloud?
The “Cloud” is an often misunderstood place. “Cloud” is a term used to describe an Internet accessible “place” – not a specific computer or physical location per se, but a “service” that we pay for (and sometimes it’s even free) that provides storage and other data services to accommodate our needs. You may have heard of Cloud backup providers such as Carbonite, SOS, Mozy and Crashplan. These providers offer software that automatically monitors and sends your files via the Internet to their storage facilities. Each provider offers different techniques, storage limits, pricing models, etc. Depending upon your needs, one may offer a better fit for you. Storage providers such as Bitcasa, Dropbox, Skydrive, Google Drive and others permit storage of data and if you desire- authorized sharing of that data with co-workers, etc. They tend to provide hard-drive like functionality, albeit in the Cloud, so your risk of mechanical failure is virtually eliminated.
The major benefit of “Cloud” storage and backup is that if anything were to happen to your local devices, you can always gain access to another device and access your information with your security credentials.
“For business owners who need to have disaster recovery plans in place, an off-site backup solution is a must.
A fire, theft, flood, etc. can destroy an office including all local backup equipment. Without an off-site backup, no matter how diligent the local backup strategy might be, it would become inaccessible.
The major concern for many is that “Cloud” backup tends to be slower and for large amounts of data that frequently changes, this can hinder productivity.
A combination of local backup to other computers, hard drives, Network Attached Storage devices, etc. along with off-site Cloud solutions will likely serve to protect your needs. For specific assistance with your personal or business backup needs, review and implementation, Your Tech Concierge™ is available to help support you and your business.
This is the first in a series of weekly aSKaVIE articles devoted to your productivity, digital privacy and protection. In future articles, you can look forward to tips and tricks that you can use to make sense out of your digital investments as well as reviews of new and exciting things that will likely provide value to your home and business. I invite you to write me with your questions and feedback. We’ll also be helping and inspiring others by answering your questions and that’s what makes my job so much fun! So stay tuned. Please send your questions to
About Avie Uniglicht: For over 30-years, Avie Uniglicht – “Your Tech Concierge™” has provided technology support and solutions to entrepreneurs who don’t have time to worry about the details. Specializing in “White-Glove Remote Room-Service,” Avie’s concept of giving you, his client, virtual “house calls” is cited regularly as invaluable and many of Avie’s clients say they couldn’t live without him on speed dial. Avie graduated Summa Cum Laude from Temple University with a BS in Business Administration. A former auditor for Price Waterhouse and past President of Ace Computer Center Inc., he is also the author of the e-Book, “Your Personal Computer Driver’s License.” Avie’s extensive business background and strong experience in accounting enhances his natural talent for helping his clients see the bigger picture regarding their business. “Your Tech Concierge” helps clients evaluate strategy so that together, they create an action plan with the end in mind. For more information or to “Ask Avie,” please call him at (888)-374-3712, and visit